Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Wednesday, January 5, 2022

Halloween 2020

Halloween during a pandemic is weird- but we tried to make it as normal as possible. We still went trick or treating! And the primary did a little party. Social distance party. They had adults every 20 feet or so with a bucket of treats or a little prize that they would put in their bucket. Then we would wait for the next spot. The boys loved it. 

Blake went trick or treating for his last time too 
Because of covid they canceled the Halloween parade at the place my Grandma was at so we came to her! we went to the window and let her see the kids all dressed up. 
On Halloween ty ran a 10k- the first dam scary run. And won in his age category! 
Of course these are out of order- but the day before halloween they allowed a couple of moms per class to come in and help with parties. They ended up being the only parties we could do the whole year. I helped in Stocktons class and saw Easton and his cute teacher (who is my friend Heidi) both dressed up as pirates. 

I was trying to be a fun mom and dressed up as Mr. Smee with Easton's captain hook. Not sure I pulled it off but I tried. 
Jason- I don't like scary costumes but I gave in on this one. 

When did Brett turn 30?

Indiana Stockton 

Captain Easton 

What about bob? We love that movie! This was totally Tyson's idea. 

Some girls drove by and yelled at ty made him embarrassed him. It was something like "so cute!" 

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