Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Sunday, January 16, 2022

March 2021

I was having a lot of chest pain in March. It lasted for a good week or so and didn't get any better. Finally Bryan talked me into seeing my dr. and I called them up and they got me right in.  Did a EKG- no issues. Listened to my heart couldn't hear anything weird. Dr. Stevens couldn't rule out blood clot so he ordered a CT scan. I went later that day and had it done. I've had a CT scan before for my kidney stones but this was totally different. They put a huge IV in my arm (a lot bigger then normal) and warned me what it would do. They had me put my arms above my head and had me hold my breath. It was fine at first. Then from the IV they put a dye into me that made my body feel so hot! I could feel it going through all of my veins. And my mouth felt hot then it felt like I was peeing my pants. haha. But don't worry I didn't and they did warn me of that. It felt so funky! 

Good news everything came back normal from the CT scan. But my blood work didn't. I had high beliruben. So they ordered a ultrasound and I went in yet again to get everything checked out. And yet everything was fine. So I have something called Gilbert syndrome. Which means I have high Biliruben  naturally and when I don't eat and are tired it gets worse. Nothing I can do about it. 

Also I have anxiety. That is why my chest hurt. So all of that to find out I'm crazy. 

We had a quick trip to St. George. 

Taking Ty to school. yes the kids were still in masks. 
My grandma decided to sale her house. I'm still not sure if it was my mom and aunts who talked her into it more then her wanting it. I was really sad. I loved her home. It always felt safe. And peaceful. I can still smell what it was like to walk into her garage door and down to her basement. So many wonderful memories there. 

With them selling her home they needed to give out her stuff. I helped a little go though everything and clean it up. It really didn't need much cleaning Grandma Jenkins was always very clean. 

Bryan had asked Grandma years ago if we could have her blessing chairs. My Grandpa had been a patriarch and giving around 1400 blessings in these chairs. When we got them we put one in my closet (because Its where I like to read my scriptures and have some time alone) and one in the basement away from the kids. 

Bryan put Christmas lights around my chair for me. To make it a little more special. 

This was a crazy day. Let me start before church- it had been a normal Sunday. Church was at noon. I was sitting by the computer with the boys and stood up and I felt my back snap. It was my lower back and it gone out before. But this time was different. It went ALL THE WAY OUT. Oh man. Sitting at church was the worst pain ever. I was almost in tears. 

At this point we weren't back to full church. Every couple of weeks the kids would have singing time at church. So I asked Bryan to take Easton home and I went home with my bad back. Then I get a text- "do you know where Easton is?" I was like NO. Do you? So people started looking everywhere for him. People driving around, looking through the church. I figured he didn't see me and just walked home. 

Apparently he went outside looking for Bryan or me. He wasn't fazed or anything. I WAS! I was at home lying on the floor with like 10 pillows around me. It really freaked. me out. Bishop sent me the photo above when they found him. 
We went and picked up my cute Grandma to eat at my moms house. I was in so much pain. Even going around a corner sent pain all over my body. When we got to my moms house Grandma told Bryan to help me inside she was good. Nice to know my 91 year old Grandma was getting around better than me. 

My grandma asked to go past this church. When My Grandpa was the bishop in this area and back in the day they had to raise the money to build church buildings. I'm not really sure why but the church was selling this building and it was going to be torn down. Grandma wanted to see it before it was gone. We got out and I hobbled over to get in with her. Then she told me "I had a photo with Harlod B Lee right here in this place". 
I took this photo because I taught a violin lesson like this. Really professional. My poor back. 

I found out by going to the chiropractor that I tore both my ligaments in my lower back. Tore! By standing up! I had to be really careful, buy a back brace (my life saver) and get ozone injections. Those feel so funky. I also had acupuncture done a little. I was willing to try anything. It took me a good three months to start getting back to normal. 
On our way to see Jake open his mission call! I was worried about being in the car that long so I had all these pillows around my back so I could sit. 
Jake is heading to Chili! 
These photos were taken a day apart. Bryan loves his lawn. He was so happy to be mowing it again then it snowed the next day. 

Oh I love Grandma. She helped me with Brett's quilt I was making. See my back brace? Nice huh?

We had a fireside at our home. All the youth from our ward. Bryan thought it would be fun to bring a chicken and talk about how chickens pick at each other to death. And to not do that to each other. 
I didn't know he was bringing a chicken. And it did poop on my floor. 

 I had to show this photo because this was a happy day! Sweet Sannette had seeing waiting for over a year to be at school. She LOVES school so much! And because she had her vaccine against covid she finally got to go. 

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