Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Wednesday, January 5, 2022

November 2020

The best part of November is always Stocktons birthday! He turned 10! 

Taking him to lunch on his birthday. 

He had a low key birthday but it was so fun to celebrate him. 
The national election was this year. It was awful that is all I'm going to say about that. Bryan was out watching this fire in our driveway while the results came in. 
We were finally able to see my Grandma face to face. But it had to be outside, 8 feet apart in a mask. She couldn't hear us very well and we couldn't touch her but it was so good to see her! 
Blake had a basketball tournament in Poatello and Brett and Stock wanted to stay at the hotel with us. They had a game on Friday and Saturday morning. But little did we know they would have us wait from 9-4 for their next game on Saturday! So we drove around that little town all day. We did find a few things to do. 

Our dishwasher broke. But it broke very slowly. Brett went downstairs and saw light dripping from the light in my furnace room. Come to find out it was leaking just enough we couldn't see it upstairs but it was running down the back of the washer! It warpped our wood floor and we had to get a new dishwasher. 

In 2020 we bought a new computer, (mine died) lap top (because the computers were backed up from no on working in covid) a new AC unit. Super expensive, a microwave, a clothes washer and a dish washer. No joke! 
Easton drew this of me

My parents moved to cache valley! It had been 19 years since I lived by them. They live in Hyde Park in a beautiful home. 
Working on Grandpas new yard. 
The turkey trot with the McEvoys. 

Reading has been a battle with this one. He tries so hard! He works so hard! But reading is a major struggle. So when I caught him reading this book on his own in his room I wanted to cry. And of course he had a Star Wars mask on. 
How I had to do photos in November 2020 
Thanksgiving with the Packs at Grandmas new house! 


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