Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Sunday, January 23, 2022

May 2021

The best thing that happened to us in May is Bryan started a new job! We knew it was coming but I was especially excited. He is working at Thermo Fisher Scientific as a quality engineering manager. It's really close to our house too. He had worked for Thermo back when we were first married. Its changed a little bit now but a lot of people he worked with before are still there. So he loves seeing a lot of his old friends. It's been a great change and a huge blessing. 

One of our friends Bryan was working with was moving to Tennessee with Thermo and needed to sale his razor. Bryan has wanted one for years! It ended up being the perfect one for our family. And what our summer consisted of - razor rides! 

Ward activity - we had a neighborhood put luck dinner. We did a cool activity where whoever was doing it was hooked up into a rope and has to stack these crates without it tipping over. Ty and Stock tried it and did so good! 
Razor rides! This one was up left hand fork to a cave. 

First week we didn't have to wear a stupid mask! I was so happy. 
Brett made me this for mothers day and I love it so much. 

Mothers day 2021. My cute Grandma and Aunt Janice were with us! 

Ty has seminary first hour. I drop him off at seminary in the morning and this awesome special needs boy gives a fist pump to all the kids who come. He especially loves Ty! And gets excited when he comes up everyday. 
I got a new camera! Its a Nikon z6ii and its mirrorless. I love it. 
Trying to spend more time together. At least we both love razor rides. This one was up Millvill canyon. 

We make a huge effort to take my Grandma to do things. We took her on a easy razor ride up Providence Canyon. We can go right from my house! She loved it. She especially loved the waterfall. 

I'm sure after being suck inside for a year (and many times they had them all just stay in their rooms for weeks at a time because of covid) being up in the mountains feels so good! 

Spencer came home! For some reason most of the photos are at the bottom of the post. 
With our insurance changing I hurried and got new glasses. I don't wear them often but it was good to get a new pair. 
After the entire school year in masks the kids got to go the last week of school without them! 

My flower bed! I just love planting flowers. 
Razor ride above Hyde Park. 

Packs at Grandma and Grandpa Packs grave! It felt so good to see so much family. 

Putting my Grandpas flag up our flag pole. 
Cousin Finn! 
Snow Cones 
Cousin (and first mate to Captain East) came home from his mission! Due to covid we had to wait in the parking garage but that wasn't a big deal. 


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