Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Sunday, January 16, 2022

St George- Brett's birthday

Way back in 2019 I traded my friend photos for the use of their condo. Then 2020 happened and we didn't want to use the condo if we couldn't use the pool because of the pandemic. My friend was so nice to let us schedule it in April of 2021. We invited my parents to come with us and make it a fun weekend before my Brett's birthday! 


Bryan wrote a bunch of comments on my photos so I'm going to leave them because he is so weird it's funny. 
 rugrats getting wet. 

move over Rocky Balboa


kids with their lazy dad.

beautiful bunk beds

I Monkey rocks

Nice crack

Bretto eating at a little hole in the wall. 

I see you Easton

Beautiful plateau above the desert majesty

Bryan is so weird- I'm back to commenting. We went into snow canyon state park and hiked around. 

Then we flew some of my dads trick kites. 

My boys and father in law love watching "matts off road recovery." on you tube. So we went to visit them. 
We went to a BBQ place Lonnys BBQ and it had unlimited ice cream and Stock was a fan. 

Our last day (Sunday) was my sweet Bretto's birthday! My angel boy I love him so much. 
Pokemon cards for Brett 
We stopped at Uncle Nates house on our way home. We got to meet baby Finn! Our newest cousin! 

Sierra made us lunch and Brett a cake. He was so happy to be with his cousins. 

Brett got a bunch of little things and a medal detector. They found tons of metal in the yard. 

Happy happy birthday my happy Brett. He still has magic hugs. I love him so much. 

 Spencer sent Easton this cool drawing and East plays with our 2nd cousin Holland. 

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