Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Saturday, January 1, 2022

October 2020

We watched a lot of cross county in October. I absolutely loved going to their meets. 

The giant potato from our garden. And our grass! Look how healthy and short it is. It feels like turf. 
Pretending to sleep at the store. And yes we still wear masks everywhere. 

Ty had a day off of school so his friends and him had a air soft war up the canyon. 
Fixing the yard after the wind storm. Bryan went crazy putting sand out to level it. 

Grouse hunting. We ate them and they weren't that bad! 

Party box! 
Caitlin was in town so we got together! I love This girls! Kandace and Caitlin are my cousins. 

My nephew and his wife Addy were able to get sealed! The temples opened up for her to get her endowments so she could get sealed. 
Mini golfing with my three little boys and Grandma Pack. 

Pumpkin walk! 

Baco's first time hunting with his brothers. 

Blake's buck! Grandpa Pack was with him when get got it. 

Tyson had his Grandpa Palmer with him when he got his deer. 

Stockton on the way to church 

My kids are so creative! I love how their pumpkins turned out. Brett and East were the only ones with help. 

Helping Easton with his homework. 


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