Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Friday, January 14, 2022

February 2021

Sannette asked us to send a selfie so this was it haha. 
Before church photos 

Getting ready for valentines day! 
Easton taking his cute valentines box into the school. We made a pirate ship! 
baby Yoda box, a pirate ship and a castle for valentines day. 

Happy birthday to Grandma Pack! 
Bryan bought me this for Valentines day. I should rephrase that- I had Bryan buy me this for Valentines day. 
Sweet Grandma Jenkins loves Easton. We got to spend Valentines day with her. 

I baked Bread. Be really impressed. 

Bryan and I had a fun date night ax throwing. 

Easton got to talk to Spencer! And Spencer put on the wet dog hat for him. 

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